What is the positive relations project in which Poujoulat is engaged?
The positive Relations Project is an initiative officially launched in 2020 by the Poujoulat Group. The aim of this long-term project is to engage each company of the Poujoulat Group – including Poujoulat France – in a virtuous transformation and development approach on three main social, environmental and societal approaches. Frederic Coirier, CEO of the Poujoulat Group, tells you more about this project:
« The aim is to act on energy and environmental performance with respect for people and resources ». - Frederic Coirier, President and CEO.
Learn more about the positive relations project:
Build trusting relationships with the men and women in the Group; build sustainable relationship with our territories; build responsible relationships with our customers and partners, here are the three main themes of the roadmap outlined by the positive relations project up to 2025.
Poujoulat Group actions and commitments can be downloaded here: